What to Expect
Every church is different. Walking into a new church can feel uncertain and frustrating. Below you will find some practical information that may ease your nerves when walking through the doors of FBC Murray for the first time.
What should I wear?
You will see a variety of dress styles on any given Sunday morning at FBC Murray. Almost everyone wears casual outfits. It is typical to see families dressed in jeans. There are some Sundays when our Senior Pastor, Will McKay, wears the same. It is difficult to either overdress or underdress. You will fit in just perfectly with our FBC family whether you wear jeans and a t-shirt or a dress and a sports coat!
Where should I go?
When you drive down 4th Street, you will see a turquoise sign that indicates "Visitor Parking." As you turn into the parking lot, you will see parking signs in front of the spots we have reserved for you. They are also turquoise. As you get out of the car and look across the street, you will see more turquoise signs that point toward the Welcome Center. The front of the Welcome Center has big windows that are recognizable from the street.
Once inside the Welcome Center, a turquoise banner and welcome kiosk will greet you. The Welcome Team will introduce you to new people and help you find the appropriate class, kid's ministry area, restrooms, and more!
What should I expect during the service?
Each person has a unique perspective on church or what worship looks like. Here at FBC, we have a variety of worship styles (ranging from traditional to contemporary) and have members from all over the world. More than anything, we encourage you to worship as the Spirit leads you! During the invitation, the Senior Pastor will encourage the congregation to respond as they are being led. If you would like to talk to someone, the pastor will be at the front of the sanctuary, or you can head into the Welcome Center where you will find people that are ready and willing to have a conversation with you about how you are being led.
How can I connect with people?
There are countless ways to get involved here at FBC Murray. One way is to talk to the Welcome Team at the kiosk on Sunday mornings to get plugged into a Sunday School class. MidWeek activities are also a great way to engage with other members. You can sign up for those classes on the MidWeek page. MidWeek is our Wednesday evening Bible Study time. It begins at 6:00 pm.
There will always be information about upcoming events, trips, volunteer opportunities, and church programs on our Facebook page, website, and bulletin. If you have any further questions, send us an email or chat.
Where do I take my children?
If you are arriving and have children under the age of 5, be sure to schedule extra time to sign them in and drop them off on the first floor of the Education Building. You will see signs indicating where to go. If your children are between Kindergarten and 5th grade, take them into the service with you.
During the Sunday School hour (9:15 am), children ages 0-5 are on the first floor of the Education Building for their classes. Children in 1st through 5th grade are on the second floor of the same building for their classes.
We know that it can be confusing to find these locations if you have never been to FBC! Rest assured that there are signs all over the building indicating where you can find certain ministries and our Welcome Team is here to serve and help you find what you are looking for!