Worship with us!
Every Sunday at 10:30 AM in the Sanctuary
What you can expect from attending a worship service:
A typical worship service at FBC Murray includes many of the common worship practices we see in the Bible. There is sound preaching accompanied by psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. We are quick to recite Scripture and pray God's blessings over our gathering. We observe the ordinances of baptism and the Lord's Supper as often as we can. Our music is blended in style to stir the affections of all generations.
If you plan to join us for a worship service, then we recommend entering through the Welcome Center (see below) around 10:20am. You'll be directed to the Sanctuary where you can find your seat in a pew. For dress we suggest business casual, but you're welcome to wear whatever you're comfortable in. Our worship service concludes around 11:45am and we'd love for you to stick around, mingle, and perhaps meet one of our pastors.