Church Library

Online Catalogs
Click here to view our online catalog of physical books, DVDs, and CDs. You can renew currently checked out items, review your history, create book lists, and reserve items.
Click here to view our online catalog of ebooks and audiobooks. You can view items, review your checkout history, and reserve items. (Available at the Apple and Android store.)​
Sunday: 9:30 am - 10:30 am
Tuesday: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Wednesday: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Thursday: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
The library at First Baptist Church exists to promote the spiritual, emotional, and intellectual development of individuals, families, and groups and support the mission of the local body. The library contains many different resources for a variety of topics including:
Bible studies
Doctrinal studies
Christian living and devotional books
Books and items on establishing and maintaining a Christian home
Christian witness and evangelism tools
Books and media for youth, children, and preschool
Biographies and fiction
First Baptist Church of Murray has the privilege and reputation of having one of the finest and most complete church libraries in our local region. Our library is a storehouse of materials that reinforces the church's message and supports them with resources. It is also a place where individuals and families can find entertainment that uplifts and enlightens minds without assaulting their values. You will find the latest in fiction and non-fiction books and media written by many of our Christian authors. Currently, we have more than 14,000 books and media from which to choose. We have a children's library with a generous selection of books just for them and also books geared to the early teen years. In addition, there is a large selection of videos, DVDs, and CDs for all ages from 2 years to 90+.
Everyone is invited to use our church library. Library cards are free and not based on church affiliation.