FBC Preschool and Children's Ministry
Our Kids Ministry is designed to engage children from birth through 5th grade in meaningful activities that help them learn about Christ and His great love for them.

Preschool and Children
Sunday School: at 9:15am
Midweek: Wednesdays at 6:00pm
Our team loves Jesus and kids in such a way that it makes Sunday School and MidWeek so much fun! We believe that God has a purpose for each child and a perfect plan for their life. We believe that all children can and should be provided the opportunity to learn about their Creator who made them AND loves them more than they can imagine. You can be assured that your kids will learn that every story in the Bible points to Jesus and that we were made for His glory! They will be taught to apply God's Word to their lives in simple ways that they can continue to build upon as they grow.
Sunday Mornings
Sunday School is a time for children to learn about the Bible in a setting designed just for them. Drop-off begins
at 9:00am.
Here's how you can have the best Sunday morning:
Sign your kids in on their floor (birth-K: first floor | 1-5 grades: second floor).
Pick them up after going to Sunday School and head to worship as a family.
Wednesday Nights
Midweek is a time for kids to have fun and memorize Scripture based on the lesson from Sunday School. Drop-off begins at 5:45pm.
We believe that every story in the Bible is true, points to Jesus, and tells us something about God and our need for a Savior. Every week, your kids will hear that Jesus loves them and that God has a plan for their life through the stories taught using The Biggest Story curriculum.
We believe that you, as parents, are the primary spiritual influence in your child's life. It is our job, as the church, to come alongside you and support your efforts to teach your kids about Jesus. You can rest assured that while they are here, they will hear about Jesus and come home with resources to help you teach them as well.